KLSA publishes an annual report that provides valuable information about KLSA programs and stewardship practices. The first report published in 2002, introduced KLSA to the public and provided lake water test results for both phosphorus and E.coli. Over the years, the scope of the report has expanded and collaborations with many environmental organizations and academic institutions have developed.
The report has several functions:
Provides the results of E.coli testing conducted by cottage associations and the Lake Partner Program’s measuring of phosphorus and water clarity, building a substantial database useful for research studies
Publishes the results of KLSA’s analysis of the performance of wastewater treatment plants throughout the Kawartha Lakes region.
Provides public education on good stewardship practices for residents such as maintaining a naturalized shoreline and planting native species of shrubs and trees.
Encourages the monitoring of invasive and native species of plants, birds and animals.
Provides a forum for the sharing of information and research.
Recognizes KLSA donors and volunteers.
Publishes KLSA financial statements.
The report is prepared by the KLSA Editorial Committee. Printed copies are distributed free of charge throughout the Kawartha Lakes to municipalities, libraries, community centres, marinas, lake and cottage associations, our advertisers, and more. Revenue from advertisement sales covers the printing costs. The reports are also posted on our website.
If you or your cottage association have a story to tell, a community science initiative that improves lake health, or a concern that you want to share with others, consider writing an article for next year’s annual report. For more information, contact klsa@klsa.info.