The Kawartha Lake Stewards Association will be holding its fall annual meeting October 3rd 10:00 am at the Lakehurst Hall – 979 Lakehurst Circle Road. The theme of the meeting is “Trees and Turtles”: Presentations include “Can You Identify a Tree’s Call for Help?” and “Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre -Conservation in Action”. Also, there will be an update on water quality in the Kawartha Lakes and other KLSA activities. All are welcome. For directions go to,+Buckhorn,+ON+K0L+1J0/@44.5367904,-78.4058759,13.46z/data=!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x4cd4d02948918913:0x156a89ac78ca04bb!2s979+Lakehurst+Circle+Rd,+Buckhorn,+ON+K0L+1J0!3b1!3m1!1s0x4cd4d02948918913:0x156a89ac78ca04bb