KLSA Activities

Love Your Lake

Love Your Lake volunteers

Protecting Our Lakes, One Property at a Time

The Love Your Lake program, a partnership between Watersheds Canada and the Canadian Wildlife Federation, is a shoreline evaluation program designed to help lakefront property owners take proactive steps toward improving the health of their lakes. By creating and maintaining healthier shorelines, property owners can play a key role in preserving water quality, supporting local wildlife, and protecting the long-term sustainability of our lakes.

This innovative program provides landowners with personalized assessments of the health of their shorelines and provides science-based recommendations to enhance the natural features of their waterfront properties, reduce environmental impacts, and help keep our lakes clean and vibrant for generations to come – all for free!

KLSA kicked off the Love Your Lake program in the summer of 2024 on Clear Lake.

How the Love Your Lake Program Works

Number 1

Receive program information

Shoreline property owners will receive information about the program, along with a Values Survey to help us understand their goals and priorities for their shorelines and lake

Clear Lake Landowners…​

Take the 5-minute anonymous Values Survey

Number 2

Shoreline Assessment

Participating lakes will have their shorelines assessed by trained KLSA interns using a standardized Shoreline Assessment Protocol. This evaluation takes place by boat, on a property-by-property basis. Interns will assess key factors such as:


The presence and health of natural plant life.

Erosion Risk

Areas vulnerable to soil loss and shoreline instability.

Water Quality

Indicators of potential pollutants or runoff.

Habitat Health

The suitability of the shoreline for local wildlife.

Number 3

Personalized Recommendations

The following spring, shoreline property owners will receive a letter with a unique survey code that they can use to order their personalized shoreline property report online. They can choose to order their report as a free electronic PDF and/or as a hardcopy for $20.00, including taxes and shipping. The report will contain information about the state of their unique shoreline and suggestions of voluntary actions they can take to improve the health of their shoreline.

These recommendations cover areas like:
Native vegetation

How to plant and restore natural shoreline plants that filter water and prevent erosion.

Erosion control

Strategies to stabilize your shoreline and prevent soil loss.

Water quality improvement

Simple steps to reduce runoff and keep the water clean.

Habitat Health

The suitability of the shoreline for local wildlife.

Two Canoers

Clear Lake landowners – your personalized shoreline property reports will be ready in Spring 2025. You will receive a survey code via mail to your permanent address. Access your report here. 

If you did not receive a code, you can get it at myreport.loveyourlake.ca or you can request it by contacting info@loveyourlake.ca.

Benefits of the Love Your Lake Program

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Enhance Lake Health

Reduce pollution and protect water quality by restoring natural shoreline buffers and preventing erosion.

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Support Wildlife

Improve habitats for local species, including fish, birds, and pollinators.

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Promote Sustainability

Help create long-term environmental benefits for your property and the broader lake ecosystem.

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Gain Valuable Insights

Receive expert advice and resources to help you make informed decisions about shoreline stewardship.

Interested in bringing the Love Your Lake program to your lake in the Kawartha region?

Partner with the Kawartha Lake Stewards Association today! klsa@klsa.info

Delivery of this program in the Kawartha Lakes area is not possible without our supporters and funders!
Watershed Logo
Environment and Climate Change Canada Logo
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