You’re Invited!! Annual Spring Meeting, May 25, 2024

We made it through another winter, which means it’s spring and time for the KLSA Annual Spring Meeting. This year’s meeting is in person only. It’s just nice to actually get together, chat, and mingle without worrying about technology! Another benefit of getting together in person is that you’ll have the opportunity to pick up your copy of this year’s Water Quality Report (Lake Health: A Delicate Balance.) and a copy of our newly revised Aquatic Plant Guide. If you are an E. coli program volunteer, you’ll also be able to pick up your water sampling kits.

When:   Saturday, May 25th,  from 9:30am – 12:30pm. (Speakers begin at 10am.)

Where:   The Buckhorn Community Centre, 1782 Lakehurst Road, Buckhorn. (This will be an in person event only.)

Guest Speakers:

Terry Rees, FOCA Exec Director (Retired)  – 30 years at FOCA . Vickie Hartog, Introducing PLiiNK (Prevent Lake Invasives in North Kawartha.)


Invasive Species Awareness Program (Jeff Berthelette, ISAP Outreach Liaison). FOCA Lake Partner Program  (Gavin Vance, Assistant Lake Stewardship Coordinator). The Land Between (Leora Berman / Kate Dickson). Kawartha Conservation (Caroline Snider). Kawartha Land Trust (John Kintare). PLiiNK (Vickie Hartog). Ontario Tech University (Students explaining how data collected by KLSA can be used.) Trent Severn Waterway / Parks Canada (Valerie Minelga / Cass Stabler), Turtle Guardians.

KLSA – Dissolved Oxygen Meter, Secchi Disk, Water Temp Monitors (Brett Tregunno). Taking Water Samples Demo (Bob Bailey). Natural Edge / Shoreline Restoration (Kim Ong / Jacqui Milne).

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